date 2017
client Kunstklank
program mobile theatre
surface 530 m²
status Completed
design team Studio Akkerhuis
consultants Tentech
Florian Bolle, Luca Salerno, Maria Mora Muniain, Maurits van der Staay
After designing the beach theatre in 2015 Studio Akkerhuis was appointed again by the association Kunstklank to develop a reusable mobile theatre – covered and able to host up to 350 seated spectators and a small orchestra. The structure should be able to be assembled by volunteers in a few days.
We developed a kit of bamboo poles of different diameters but never longer than 5,80?m to be able to store or ship them anytime in a 20 feet standard container. The round theatre shape of 20?m in diameter contains a central stage, up to 24 tribune modules and the main tent construction of 7?m height, which is covered with a light translucide and waterproof cloth. The bamboo connections are done with classical Manilla rope.
The space is intimate but also allows parts of the scenography to take place outside the central stage due to the flexible configuration. The cushions on the tribunes – a red reminiscence of classical theatres – stand in beautiful contrast to the bamboo and the white cover.
The first performance in July 2017 was the opera “Dido and Aeneas” on the beach in Noordwijk. After two weeks the structure was dismantled and stored for its next use